Earth-1414 Wikia

Welcome to the Wiki

Welcome to the Earth-1414 wiki. Earth-1414 is a fanfic universe with magic being its main genre! This wiki is maintained and created by only me, and you can visit my deviantART page, where I post all of my fanfics, here.

This wiki is very much a work in progress!

About Earth-1414

Earth-1414 is also known as the Postconverse. It stands for Post-Retcon Universe. If you're wondering, there's a Preconverse, but as it suggests, Preconverse has already been retconned and Earth-1414 is now the main universe for the fics. Earth-1414 has references from many shows/movies/comics but is unique in its own way.


Because I often include characters from Marvel, DC Comics, Ben 10 etc, I would like to say that I don't own any of those characters. I write fanfics purely for entertainment purposes only. I list down all of the disclaimers in every Story Arc page.

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